Michael wins at Pinewood Derby
Cub Scout's PineWood Derby Day

Michael holds up his Pinewood Derby car #69. It was named and numbered in honor of Al Leake (AlfaRomeoRestorations.com) who has been working on dad's GTAm for the past 2.5 years. Al was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in October 2007 and is undergoing treatment as of this posting. The car was painted a florescent yellow with red top and sported a lego driver with helmet and a tail fin.
We used Al's race car number (69) and wrote PMA and Al Leake Racing Team all over the car. This year was not as kind to Michael... as he swept the speed trials in 2007 winning every heat and taking home the 1st place trophy and earning a spot to go to the state meet.
This year however in the preliminary heats he placed mostly 2nd and 1st... with no 3rd place finishes. He made it into the semi-finals as one of eight cars. The semis were all age groups and packs. He ran a good few races pulling mostly 3rds and a couple of 2nd place finishes. Over all... he took home the 2nd place medal for speed in his bear pack.

Mike in front on the cars "impounded" as they have been checked and weighed by the judges. His is the one on the far left.

Cars were so fast everything was a blurrrr... including this picture of Michael in the semi-finals loading his car on the pinewood derby track.
Next year promises to be awesome... more time and prep work will go into the structure, performance and appearance of the car.
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